The family of 18-year-old Katelynn Brandon, found stabbed to death in 2022, is outraged after one of the defendants was acquitted.
Katelynn was discovered with multiple stab wounds in a trailer she shared with her boyfriend, Thorin Keeper, who was arrested for her murder. Investigators believed his father, Daniel Keeper, helped conceal evidence, but on Feb. 27, Daniel was found not guilty.
“I let them do their job for two years, and they failed,” said John Brandon, Katelynn’s father.
Investigators alleged Daniel drove Thorin to the trailer the night of the murder. Katelynn’s family found her body, and police reported more than 20 stab wounds. While Thorin was charged with first-degree murder, prosecutors couldn’t prove Daniel’s involvement in covering it up.
“They let my daughter down,” John said.
Katelynn’s mother, Jennifer Brandon, testified about her daughter’s toxic relationship with both Thorin and his father. She felt the trial focused too much on Thorin despite it not being his case. After three hours of deliberation, the jury found Daniel not guilty.
The Brandon family vows to keep fighting, with another court hearing set for later this month.
“She’s gone, and nobody can bring her back, but they can do right by her,” John said.
A long time friend of Brandon is asking the public to show support in bringing the perpetrators to justice.
“We gave the system a chance to do right by Katelynn now it’s all of our turns to fight for her since they failed“, said Stormy Darnell.
“Katelynn was stabbed 38 times. One so deep it severed her spinal cord.”